Last Updated on 12:38 AM by Lilliana Tseka
Many mistakenly believe that panic is the result of fear. The truth is that first you lose control, first there is an accident, first you get attacked and then you realize that you were afraid.
Let’s assume that you are driving and you see a long vehicle truck coming right into you from the opposite side. What you do is to react instinctively and instantly apply the brakes, calculate the distance, the angle, and turn the steering wheel to avoid the accident, or whatever else is needed. All those demanding multiple processes are carried out in microseconds automatically. You don’t have time to think that you’re afraid. If you did, then you would be already dead before having the chance to proceed to aself-protecting action. These automated procedures are deeplyingrained in our genetic code and have helped our species survive over the centuries, and of course noconscious thought is required for them. Afterwards, if you survive, you feel a big relief and then you realize that you were scared to death. The event that caused this fear is recorded in your code, and if this event happened to cause fear to many others, then most likely it will be disseminated to future generations automatically.
The point is that sometimes we experience fear for the wrong reasons; either due to things that we have learned incorrectlyon our own account (DUO condoms = child), or due to things that someone else taught us incorrectly (Long Hair/ Long Beard = Weird guy).