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Best Served Cold – Joe Abercrombie


Last Updated on 06:59 PM by Nikos Nakos

Title: Best Served Cold
Writer: Joe Abercrombie
Publisher: Gollancz
Year: 2009

Revenge, as we know, is a dish best served cold and this book, as indicated by its title, is a story about revenge. “Best Served Cold” is, at least partly, a continuation to the “First Law” trilogy. I say partly because it takes place in the same universe but it wouldn’t be right to destroy a reader’s experience with spoils.

Monzcarro “Monza” Murcatto, leader of “The Thousand Swords” mercenary group is working for Duke Orso. Her goal is to offer to him the crown of Styria and for that she claims, with her brother, victory after victory for Orso. But in a universe created by Abercrombie nothing is simple and the author gets us instantly into the story of Monza, betrayed by her employer because he fears her (and her brother’s) growing power and popularity.

Thus the book narrates the heroine’s path till she gets her revenger and the improbable alliances that she makes till she achieves her goal. The main character, Monza, follows Abercrombie’s typical motifs, where nothing is as it seems and the dipole good – evil is, of course, nonexistent. Clearly influenced by the realities of the world we live in, the author continues to generously offer us a universe where there is no absolute good (but there is plenty of evil). The characters are great and they develop during the story, just like in real life, while they keep reminding us that in every historical event there is someone hidden, pulling the strings (just like in his previous books).

“Best Served Cold” can be considered as a standalone book, but it is much easier to jump into the story if you have read Abercrombie’s previous publications and it will be easier to understand the book’s ending, after all the author is used to change everything we think is true, just the way it happens in real life. Another reason it is easier to understand the story if you have read the previous books is that there are some common characters (although not as main characters this time) that are either seen or simply referred, like Logen Ninefingers and King (and Orso’s son in law) Jezal dan Luthar.

Once again Abercrombie manages to keep us bound to his dark imagination and makes us to want to read the continuation of his creation. It’s a great addition to the library of every reader that enjoys the genre of dark fantasy.

Angel Spiliopoulos
Angel Spiliopoulos
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."

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