17.5 C

Candlemass – Death Thy Lover EP


Last Updated on 01:34 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

Genre: Doom/Heavy Metal
Country: Sweden
Label: Napalm Records
Year: 2016

Even though no one actually believed them when the band claimed that “Psalms for the Dead” would be their last recording still many felt surprised when Candlemass released a couple of months earlier this year this EP. These guys just proved that there will be always people so naïve in the metal audience that will easily being controlled by the music industry ‘till the end of this world… Candlemass is not only a great band but it is also a huge brand name guys and we’re living in a material world, so do the math! I know most people feel angry about this EP but on the other hand Music Press in its majority wrote mostly excellent reviews about it. Truth been told I’m somewhere in between…But let’s talk about music at last! This 4 song EP is a totally Leif Edling’s creation and has many of the characteristics we love from the Doom Lord. Mats Leven sounds fantastic and so suitable in the 3 tracks he sings while there’s plenty of melody and sadness in the mourning guitars as Edling gives as a summary of how Candlemass sound in 2016. The closing instrumental is a rather useless effort that we probably forget after 3-4 listening sessions but the rest are really great stuff.  “Death Thy Lover” has a simple chorus but from these ones that stick to your mind: “Death thy lover, in the hollow there’s no other”, a really nice song indeed, while “Sleeping Giant” is another brilliant composition that has the riffs, has the energy, has the status to be a Candlemass song. “Sinister N Sweet” isn’t bad at all but I believe Leif can write a dozen like this in less than an hour… to be honest if this release was under the name of Krux or Avatarium most people would have taken it more seriously and possibly would be less judgemental or harsly critical about it.


Giorgos Tsekas
Giorgos Tsekas
"Κάποτε Όταν Θα ‘χουμε Καιρό... Θα Σκεφτούμε Πάνω Στις Ιδέες Όλων Των Μεγάλων Στοχαστών, Θα Θαυμάσουμε Τους Πίνακες Όλων Των Μεγάλων Ζωγράφων, Θα Γελάσουμε Με Όλους Τους Χωρατατζήδες, Θα Φλερτάρουμε Όλες Τις Γυναίκες, Θα Διδάξουμε Όλους Τους Ανθρώπους" Μπ. Μπρεχτ

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