Last Updated on 11:41 PM by Giorgos Tsekas
Genre: Heavy Metal
Country: Greece
Label: Self Released
Year: 2013
“Fatal Redemption” is Clamor of Existence’s first album. The band was formed in Patra city, Greece in 2011, where the band members did their college studies. They play classic (yet not old-school) heavy metal, focusing on guitar melodies and epic vocals (there are also some brutal vocals on “Dominus Tyrannus”). The typical Greek bands’ drawbacks are present in this release (mediocre sound, singer’s bad accent). But I prefer a “poor” production with the band pouring out energy, intensity and passion, rather than a huge, clean around the edges and lacking that heavy metal feeling production. As for the accent, it doesn’t bother me that much since Panagiotis Poulakidas singing avoids exaggerations and is full of expressiveness (the final outcome is satisfying so I’m not gonna pay that much attention to his accent). Note that, having brutal vocals throughout the whole album, the band would sound very similar to today’s Amon Amarth due to the epic feeling they bring out. All 7 compositions (which are above average and not just o.k.) are based on melody lines and amazing guitar themes that don’t follow the Iron Maiden rip off bands’ path. The starting “Darkness in my Soul” is very good, “Dominus Tyrannus” is a hymn (it reminded me of Rotting Christ at some point), “Vae Victis” is a dynamite, “Heil Your King” is epic with a melancholic feeling in its melody, “Enjoy Your Nothingness” and “In Bowels of Vanity” bring back memories from the Blaze Bayley era of Iron maiden and so does the dark “In Bowels of Vanity” too, “Exiled In Dark” is also pretty dark at some points (pretty much expected considering the track’s title) with the backing vocals fitting in just fine, and then there is “Dominus Tyrannus” which is my favorite.