25.9 C

Cockblockers – Cockblockers


Last Updated on 03:14 PM by Lilliana Tseka

Genre: Modern/Groove
Country: Greece
Year :2018

Cockblockers come from Kalamata (honor and glory to whom he / she did not even brought to mind the famous quote ‘what kind of fruits…you know the rest and weed when the Peloponnesian city was brought up in the sentence). The band was founded in 2011 and it was only last summer that they went into the recording process, which probably was a good thing because the result sounded quite mature and definitely qualitative. Logically, their appearances alongside Planet of Zeus, 1000mods, Tardive Dyskinesia, Mahakala, Yellow Devil Sauce & Beggars, among other things, added experience and perhaps led the Cockblockers’ write songs suitable for live performances. And because I prolonged the prologue and I can see that you start to worry, the band does not play stoner. Basically they have a modern approach to the heavy sound that flirts with the mainstream.  But the real question is, what exactly is mainstream in 2018 and to be more exact…in Greece? In terms of ticket sales you’ll probably tell me Sabaton and shortly after I throw up I will answer you that I am referring to a more modern sound and more radio friendly. Stone Sour, Black Label Society (without the Sabbath-ish doom riffs but with the chuggy and sharp guitars), fairly southern elements, stoner filings, and generally a diffuse groove sound that does not fall into the same boring patterns, is unpredictable and why not it even sticks to your mind, becoming almost addictive. At last a singer’s pronunciation does not show his origin at all, and most of all, without sounding like an awful imitation of a Texan redneck. If there was a serious rock radio, it would definitely play them often – I’m not saying non-stop – and they reminded me of the band Dendrites from Volos. However they lack of a hit (maybe more than one) that will raise the bar and turn the spotlight of the mass media and listeners. The cover is just perfect … The album is dedicated to one of their own people, whom they loved deeply and will never forget, Angelos Fasoulis, who lost the battle with cancer in the end of 2015.


Lilliana Tseka
Lilliana Tseka
Surrealism : Pure psychic automatism, by which one proposes to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought. Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.

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