Last Updated on 05:23 PM by Giorgos Tsekas
Genre: Speed/Thrash
Country: Chile
Label: Unspeakable Axe Records (vinyl Dying Victims Productions)
Year: 2022 (vinyl 2023)
One of the coolest albums that were out on Summer ’22 was definitely the sophomore full length of Critical Defiance entitled “No Life Forms”. Thankfully Dying Victims Productions will cut it on vinyl (early 2023) while as you may already know Unspeakable Axe have taken care of the CD version. The band hails from Chile and whoever has missed their killer debut “Misconception” (2019), now has a reason to look back and search for it. Now on their second attempt the Latin-Americans play faster, more riff-centric and damn angry! Their 80’s Thrash inspired sound has a frenetic rhythm, a ton of riffs and a passion for destruction that was so popular back in late 80’s and now so few have the talent to revive it, as most out there simply regurgitate or just imitate. Critical Defiance may have only two studio albums but the quintet was established 10 years ago, so they have the maturity to control their fury and pack 10 songs under 30 minutes of nonstop Thrash Panic crescendo! “No Life Forms” has no limits, only riffs and screams and is the obvious choice for fans of early Vio-Lence, Atrophy, old Kreator, Forbidden, Whiplash, and Dark Angel. Highlights: the two guitarists Javier Salgado and Mauricio Toledo and their ultra-speed, ultra-violent performance, the chaotic enthusiasm the band plays; the songs: “A World Crumbling Apart”, “Warhead”, “The Last Crusaders… Bringers of Death!” and “Elephant”.
Rodrigo Poblete – Drums
Felipe Alvarado – Vocals, Guitars
Ignacio Arévalo – Bass
Javier Salgado – Guitars
Mauricio Toledo – Guitars