Here’s the table of contents for Swords of Steel (not in order):
“Into the Dawn of Storms” by Byron A. Roberts (Bal-Sagoth)
“The Riddle Master” by E.C. Hellwell (Manilla Road, Hellwell)
“Blue Mistress” by Jeff Black (Gatekeeper)
“Eve’s Grave” by Scott Waldrop (Walpyrgus, Twisted Tower Dire)
“All Will Be Righted on Samhain” by Howie Bentley (Cauldron Born) and David C. Smith
“Journey InSomnamblia” by Jean-Pierre Abboud (Funeral Circle, Borrowed Time)
“Vengeance of the Insane God” by Jason Tarpey (Eternal Champion)
“The Mirror Beguiling” by James Ashbey (Solstice)
“Dream Death” a poem by Sean Weingartner (Eternal Champion)
“Stygian Dust and Black Lotus Slumber: In the Tower of Thoth-Amon” a prose poem by Howie Bentley
“Headbanging Warriors” a non-fiction essay by M Harold Page