33.2 C

Drama Noir: Contract with French Drakkar Productions


Last Updated on 10:47 AM by Giorgos Tsekas

We are pleased to announce the launch of our partnership with the iconic French underground record company Drakkar Productions for the upcoming worldwide release of our 2nd album entitled “A Necromancy Lore”.

We are deeply honored to be a member of such a potent and historic label, founded back in 1994 and having collaborated with great bands and artists throughout all these years. We really thank Cyril Mendre for his great offer and acknowledgment, we feel we will have a very constructive collaboration with him in the coming years.

The release is scheduled for CD digipak LP Vinyl format, both within this year.

In the coming period we will announce more details about the actual release date, pre-orders, as well as the distribution and purchase points of the album.

A new phase for Drama Noir has just started… Stay with us!

Drama Noir line-up:
Nyctelios – Vocals/Lyrics
Mephisto – Guitars/Keys
Peisithanatos – Bass
Yngve – Drums


FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/dramanoirband/

OFFICIAL WEB PAGE (Under construction): http://www.dramanoir.com
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/c/DramaNoirOfficial

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DramaNoir

METAL-ARCHIVES: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Drama_Noir/3540442614

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