Last Updated on 11:11 PM by Lilliana Tseka
Genre: Crossover/Death/Thrash
Country: U.S.A.
Label: Tankcrimes Records
Year: 2016
It’s been 5 whole years since the (very good) ‘Transmission Zero’ and a number of ep/split/single releases in between, and the damaged-retarded crossoversplatterdeathsters, the pride of Oakland, are back with their new album entitled ‘Dungeon Bastards’.
Bloodbath, sickness, fun and metal from the cave, that has no purpose of evolving but to serve the always kind and good intented appetites of Ghoul. Part from the fun, their new album brings in mind their debut ‘We came for the dead’ and our beloved ‘Splatterthrash’.
This new album has some really good moments, it has a few boring moments and a polished sound that doesn’t fit the band but part from that, it’s worthy undead successor of their tradition. Their fans already bought it and they blast it while watching Braindead for the 1000th time. The rest that got to know about them now, pick something from their first album and it’s certain that you will get here.