24.2 C

Helloween – My God-Given Right


Last Updated on 03:54 PM by Lilliana Tseka

Genre: Power Metal
Country: Germany
Label: Nuclear Blast
Year: 2015

Everyone has an acquaintance /friend or even ourselves that believe that Helloween “died”, especially after Hansen parting ways. As we once again have another acquaintance/friend that things that Helloween “died” when Kiske left. We must however admit to something.That whatever the amount of these people is, there are many more that for over 20 years enjoy the band, accepting the constant changes in their line up but also the stability in making quality Power Metal. This was my introduction because I’m getting bored of some under 30 something guys that mention Deris as their “new singer”, dudes that they just weren’t there… 22 years ago…

As for the album. Because I have literally heard a thousand times this album tryingto be as much objective as fair, I must emphasize that we are talking about a very good job. I even heard inaccuracieslike “the sound is so old school-back to the roots on the occasion of their 30 years anniversary from their first EP and other stuff like that”. However nope, nothing of sorts is happening. There are some references naturally but they stop around 1994 and “The Master Of The Rings”. The whole album sensation from listening is that you are in front of their best moments of the last 20 years of the German’s discography with strongguitar riffsandelaboratememorablechoruses.

Nevertheless a very entertaining record with many songs to be potential hits that I’m sure live they even sound much better. “Stay Crazy” has e very poser addictive chore, “Living on the Edge” is simple but charming, “Battle’sWon” and “Creatures in Heaven” stink of Weikath with whatever this brings to the fans, Deris is doing his thing in “If God Loves Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “Lost in America” with hischaracteristic way ofnarrativethat loves tosing,while “The Swing of a Fallen World” , “Russian Roulé”, “Heroes” (typical nice powerthingy) have great compositions and the baland like “Like Everybody Else” (last 2 written by Gestner). The composers’ variety gives a different color in this record and not weary during the hearing.

“My God-Given Right” is definitely a greater album than the previous one, it takes place easily beside “The Master Of The Rings”, “The Time of the Oath”, “Rabbit Don’t Come Easy” and “7 Sinners” in the bands discography.

5 consecutive full length releases later, the pumpkins obviously have found the success recipe with the (winning) team that never changes (album no 7 for Charlie Bauerfeind as a producer) butthis “joke” with the giggly, and with a badaestheticcover artwork must come to an end…. the only explanation that I can find is that Helloween are superstitious and they do it for good luck!!!


Lilliana Tseka
Lilliana Tseka
Surrealism : Pure psychic automatism, by which one proposes to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought. Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.

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