5.3 C

Interview with Reprisal


Last Updated on 09:46 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

While waiting for Reprisal’s debut album, titled “Innocent Blood”, Metal Invader had a chat with their frontman about their history, their upcoming release, their goals and the greek scene. Thrashards, hardcore fans and all of you deranged mosh-lovers that long for aggressiveness and mayhem, this band is for you! In the pit!!!

Hello Klearchos! Since this is the first official interview for the band I’d like you to tell me a few things about the band. When, how and why did Reprisal start?

Hello Lito! Reprisal were formed back in October of 2013 by our guitarist Nick and myself. After a few additions and changes in our roster, we ended up in our current five-membered form. There’s no actual answer to “why” we started since we just wanted to play music. In my opinion the need to play music along with the need to express yourself are the fundamental motives when forming a band.

Thrash Metal,Hardcore,Reprisal,News,Interviews,2016,,GreeceReprisal. Your name is short, catchy and aggressive. It reflects perfectly the personality of the band. Whose idea was it? What does this word mean to you and why did you choose it?

Every decision in the band is made after lengthy conversations. It would be unfair for the rest to say that the name was decided by a single person. While we were looking for a name, we run across “Reprisal” which we thought described our social and political views. It never bothered us whether it was catchy or not – the fact that it ringed nice to our ears and described our views was more than enough.

Who writes the lyrics? Does the sociopolitical point of view of the lyrics intend to awaken the people or is it the result of an inner strife that had to be expressed?

The lyrics are mainly composed by me but the final version of each song is derived by the band members altogether. After all, our goal is to express our thoughts through our music so the lyrics – being a part of the band’s identity – must fulfill that role. The “awakening”  isn’t our sole purpose but an added bonus.

If we had to associate you with a specific genre, we could say that you’re a NWOAHM band with Thrash and Hardcore elements. Do you agree with that? Who does compose the music and which bands have influenced you the most?

I think our influences are pretty obvious. Our sound and compositions are definitely influenced by the NWOAHM movement and there are definitely some Thrash and Hardcore elements in our songs. Nevertheless I wouldn’t like to assign us to a certain genre since we compose the music we’d like to listen to. Whether that fits a genre or subgenre doesn’t concern us at all. We compose music individually but the fusion of these individual ideas is a process involving every band member, the final product being the result of teamwork.

By listening to your songs we realize that you put relentless effort so that their melodies are grafted obsessively to theThrash Metal,Hardcore,Reprisal,News,Interviews,2016,,Greece listener’s mind. What is the most flattering comment you have received on your work?

I think that you are exaggerating a bit. As I already mentioned, we compose the music that we ourselves enjoy to listen to. It is not our priority to make it “catchy”, but if what you said is true, it is just a coincidence. Regarding the best comment we have received, I have to say that all comments are appreciated. Bands like us, have nothing to gain by playing music so basically, every well-intentioned comment is received in the most positive way.

As a fan of the brutal music of Sepultura I was delighted that you referenced through your own song called Neverending Lies a somewhat forgotten and relatively neglected in the mix, and yet in my opinion, remarkable riff of the song Lobotomy. How did you come up with this idea? Is this your way to revere this band for its contribution to the extreme music?

This is actually a sad story. Neverending Lies was the very first song we composed, and by the moment we came to realize the similarities to Lobotomy, it was already too late, since we had already recorded our demo. It’s worth mentioning that the one who pointed those similarities out to us was our sound engineer. There was no intention to copy or even honour Sepultura – since Sepultura are in no need of having us honouring them. It was just a coincidence and we all felt and still feel pretty bad about it but it was already too late to throw out the riff since we had already finished recording the song.

I think it’s time to talk about your album artwork. Neat and well-made with the overall design being comic-like. In the depicted mayhem we can even see the Minotaur or even Hercules. So please explain to us; what’s really going on there? Are there any symbolisms depicted?

The artwork was created by Michael, our bass player’s brother who is pretty talented on this particular field. The original concept was ours – an apparatus watching as the city has burst into flames and chaos. The symbolisms are subjective since every form of art is interpreted differently and uniquely by each individual. The Minotaur is an aesthetic touch from Michael himself and it is in accordance to the band’s hometown.

Thrash Metal,Hardcore,Reprisal,News,Interviews,2016,,GreeceBy the way, let’s talk about your live performances. Do you consider mosh pits to be an integral part of a successful gig? Also, what element makes it that especially enjoyable? Would you consider performing at a gig where such expressions of joy are prohibited?

Moshing is a way of expression and entertainment for a fan attending a live performance. In no way do we endorse violence; we encourage one’s natural expression. Whether the audience is euphoric or not, has little to do with what we want. It goes without saying that every time we are on stage, we have the best intentions and we try to make the audience feel the same way as well. Obviously positive feedback from the audience are welcome as long as it serves the audience’s right for entertainment. Finally respecting that right we would avoid performing in a venue where such forms of expression are prohibited.

You’ve performed out of your hometown and have interacted with a variety of greek bands. What’s your opinion on the greek metal scene? Is there anything in the process that bothers you and you’d like it to change?Thrash Metal,Hardcore,Reprisal,News,Interviews,2016,,Greece

Interacting with greek bands has less to do with us performing in Trikala and Ioannina; most of us are associated with arranging and running shows in the city of Heraklion. The greek scene has evolved much during the past years and lacks nothing in quality when compared with the foreign scenes. The only thing that bothers us are the difficulties a band encounters to continue. There are lots of expenses – which usually burden the band itself; including expenses that have to do with the recording process or even touring.

Many consider you a promising band. How do you imagine Reprisal will be after ten years?

I cannot be sure on to how we’ll be after 10 years. We usually set short-term and achievable goals. Right now we’re interested in releasing our debut album and then arrange some gigs to promote it. In the distant future I wish we will be able to continue playing music, having the same lineup. Unfortunately though, things around us are so uncertain so we can never be sure.Thrash Metal,Hardcore,Reprisal,News,Interviews,2016,,Greece

Concluding, approximately when shall we be expecting your debut album, titled “Innocent Blood”?

The recording process has finishes so now we’re waiting for the final mixing and mastering. I’d say soon enough, during the first semesterThrash Metal,Hardcore,Reprisal,News,Interviews,2016,,Greece of 2016.

The conclusion is all yours!

I’d like to thank everyone who helped and supported us during the painful process of recording. Michael for designing the cover artwork, Manos for the additional artwork, Michael for designing the logo and some additional artwork, Spyros and the Underground Union Crew Heraklion for lending us the needed hardware in order for us to record and you for giving us the opportunity you gave us.

Reprisal are:

Nikos Kontakis (bass)

Nikos Kounalakis (guitar)

Nikos Kourasmenakis (drums)

Klearchos Petsakis (vocals)

Dimitris Tsiprakos (guitar)

For more Info: https://www.facebook.com/ReprisalTC/


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