23.3 C

Kiss The Gun – Tainted Heart EP


Last Updated on 12:06 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

Genre: N.W.O.B.H.M./Hard Rock
Country: Great Britain
Label: Self-funded
Year: 2016

Andy Boulton and Alan Marsh, ladies and gentlemen. Two names that Greek (and not just Greek) fans of N.W.O.B.H.M. respect highly. What? You don’t know who these people are? Next thing you’re gonna tell me is that you’ve never heard of Tokyo Blade before, and you will make my blood boil, please be careful, I’m at a dangerous age for a stroke. So, what happens when 5 members of the British scene decide to form a band and play melodic hard rock, members that are coming from Tokyo Blade, Saigon, aswell as other experienced (a word that many of us use to hide our age, so people won’t call us old) musicians from the Salisbury scene? The answer is simple, meaningful hard rock, with great riffs from big Andy and catchy (but not silly) melodies. You see, that’s how veterans write songs, old school, with melodic lines, while paying attention to choruses. Sounds simplistic, but in reality is way harder than composing a song with god knows how many riffs and changes, just to pretend you are a great musician. “Did they succeed?” you’d ask me… Their first sample, the “Tainted Heart” EP, is doing well on it. Not well enough to start using big words such as “masterpiece”, “kickass album” etc. It is a simple and honest work though, and for a first sample it’s very satisfying. As for the amazing title track “Tainted Heart”, it definitely has what it takes to make you say “I can’t wait for the full length release”, the rest two songs unfortunately, are not on the same level. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not bad, but the title track is the one that stands out the most, and anyone who is a fan of the melodic sound won’t be able to stop listening to it. If we were still in the ’80s and “hit single with 2 supporting tracks” was still a thing, we would be talking about an amazing single. But unfortunately (???) 2016 is way more cruel, people judge a release as a whole, regardless of the number of the tracks. Therefore, i have to grade accordingly. If i let my heart decide for me, it would have been a big 4 to 4.5. I am going to compel myself though, so my grade will be 3.5 while keeping my hopes high for a way better upcoming full length release. Anyway, for now, fans of Tokyo Blade (like myself) are enjoying the title track and looking forward for more epic songs like this one, in the future.


Elias Chatzialexis
Elias Chatzialexis
Θέλω να αφιερώσω αυτό το βραβείο στον μπαμπά μου, στη μαμά μου, στη γυναίκα μου και στα παιδιά μου, στον David Coverdale και στους Piledriver. Επίσης εύχομαι Παγκόσμια Ειρήνη, Υγεία και του χρόνου φουντούνια.

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