Last Updated on 09:26 AM by Nikos Nakos
Genre: Heavy Metal
Country: Chile
Label: High Roller Records
Year: 2021
Sometimes when you are listening to an unfamiliar band, you can understand it’s motherland from the very first minutes. For some others, it is difficult to find it if not impossible. Listening to Lucifer’s Hammer, you would bet your money you are listening to a British band. And yet, they are coming from Chile. Musically speaking, they are strongly influenced by the classic metal of Old Albion. More precise, from the melodic dual guitars of Iron Maiden. “The Trip”, is hopefully their third album and with it they manage to take a step forward, always of course in the veins of traditional metal sound. Although the tempos and the vocal melodies are quite simple and catchy, compositions as a whole are more complicated. Also, the production is the best they have had so far, always devoted to the old school spirit, but without sounding retro. The number (7) of the compositions of the album help to not sound boring in any case. Personally, speaking, I found more interest in the second half of the album. “Illusion” is an excellent example of classical – melodic metal. “The Winds Of Destiny” has something of the magic aura of King Diamond. Finally, “I Believe In You” cleverly shows the band’s AOR influences. Once again, we come across a very nice artwork cover by Lucifer’s Hammer. The album is out by High Roller Records, which is a label guarantee of quality underground releases. Those of you who believe that Heavy Metal did not suddenly stop in the late 80’s, listen to “The Trip” and you will be a winner.