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Napalm Eyes Collective: V/A – Black Wings of Cthulhu 2


Last Updated on 11:00 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

Title: Black Wings of Cthulhu 2
Writer: Various
Publisher: Titan Books
Year: 2014

When someone hears the name Cthulhu they automatically think of H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth and the horror writers of the early 20th century in general. After all modern writers have neglected (or are indifferent to) this wonderful universe and its possibilities, isn’t that the case?

The answer is clearly no and the second volume of Black Wings Of Cthulhu aims to show us that there are more stories to be told and that not only Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones haven’t left us, but that they still keep our fragile sanity in their jaws, ready to devour it and throw us into whirlpools of horror and madness.

S.T. Joshi, one of the greatest scholars of Lovecraft and the Cthulhu mythos in general, has gathered 18 new texts of eerie horror and invites us to walk in familiar paths as well as experience new approaches of the genre.

The 18 short stories hosted in this volume do not follow the same classical motifs and are of course not literarily equals. Among them are small gems of classic Cthulhu mythos but also more modern perspectives on how the Old ones would be able to affect man, human nature and society.

A few among them include Dead Media (by Nick Mamatas) with its modern take on the Mi-Go, View (by Tom Fletcher) with characteristically strong influences by early Lovecraft, Casting Call (by Don Webb) which is inspired by Pickman and the ghouls and Correlated Discontents (by Rick Dakan) where the existence and history of Lovecraft himself are parts of the story. Other pieces of the collection are equally remarkable but it is impossible to give them all a full description without spoiling the prospective reader’s joy of a new story.

Angel Spiliopoulos
Angel Spiliopoulos
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."

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