Last Updated on 11:45 AM by Giorgos Tsekas
Genre: Doom Metal/Hard Rock
Label:Cruz del Sur Music
Year: 2020
Are you looking for a band that is immersed in the sound of Black Sabbath in the ‘70s era? A band that isn’t hiding its love for Budgie and Pentagram? I have such a band for you and they even released a new album recently.
I’m talking about Ogre and their fifth “Thrice as Strong” album. It is full from start to finish with uninterrupted ‘70s riffing, either in slow-moving Black Sabbath overalls or in more ‘70s Hard Rock patterns.
Yes I am referring to riffing because it is the strong element here. But there are also several gunpowder-smoked leads that will make you feel like you’re in 1974. Does it spoil you? Of course not…
From the first to the last second of the album the band shows that it fully enjoys what is playing, bringing to the fore elements in their songs that show a lot about their quality.
The record must be checked immediately by fans of the ‘70s sound. Whether you’re focusing on today’s bands that are reviving the phase, or from original bands of the era, Ogre is definitely for you.
Just a tip from me: Listen to “Thrice as Strong” loudly.