Last Updated on 04:11 PM by Giorgos Tsekas
Genre: Black Metal/Industrial
Country: Sweden
Label: Self-released
Year: 2016
When PLUTONIUM made their loud entrance with their “One Size Fits All” debut, unfortunately the industrial blackmetal subgenre was fast declining. Thus, a record that gathered the best elements of “Rebel Extravaganza” and used in the best possible way the teachings of THORNS, passed rather unnoticed. This was the unfortunate part of the story. To fortunate part was that mastermind J. Carlsson deciced that this turned of events could give him the opportunity to operate in the shadows of the underground and appear only when necessary.
And so, out of nowhere came “Devilmentertainment Non-Stop” back in 2011, the digital EP of 2013 and now the new statement “Born Again Misanthrope” and the question is whether it has something significant to say. The first two tracks lead Scandinavian blackmetal to known industrial streets and although, especially in the self-titled one with its moments that beckon to “Thorns” (mainly the tracks with vocals from Satyr), they create some intense emotions, doubts concerning stagnation arise; which are instantly dissolved by the hypnotic rhythm of “Inverted Panopticon Experience”. Slow-paced, ambient-oid and ready to suck the listener into its paranoia and futility, only to be abruptly cut (thus creating a sudden shock from this unexpected turn) by the anthemic riff of “Casque Strength” (a reference to Carlsson’s ambient project) for which one could easily support that it rocks mercilessly.
In general, after the initial connection with past PLUTONIUM works, nothing is taken for granted throughout the record and after all this is its strong point, since Carlsson manages to gather diverse elements (we even hear wonderful neofolk in “Renuntiationem”) without losing cohesion. Maybe because almost everything in here, however different they may appear at first, have a common ground in ironic theatricality (see also the reference to Hamlet in the cover art), as resort from sad, devastating reality. And if in the end, things seem to get back on industrial tracks with “Electric Barbwire Crown Of Thorns” and “Confessions Of A Suicidal Cryptologist”, this could possibly mean the return to that reality after the mind trips. Or maybe not? The closing moments of the record may leave a crack of hope.
“Born Again Misanthrope” is here for those that feel intruders in this world, but have absolutely no intention of doing something about it; apart from retreat and wait. It is a panic room for the moments that everyday routine seems suffocating. The faith in halcyon days will never be gone, as the poet states…
4.5 / 6