24.9 C

Preemptive Strike 0.1 – Pierce their Husk


Last Updated on 02:50 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

Genre: Industrial/Aggrotech
Label: Sonic Hell Records
Country: Greece
Year: 2015

When this quite interesting disc reached my hands I didn’t know what to expect. I like electronic sound and the right combination of metal and electronic music usually leads to either a sound orgasm or a flop, suitable only as a coaster for one’s coffee mug. Preemptive strike 0.1 fortunately don’t belong to the second category, but that is to be expected since from the time they formed in 2002 they have already had three releases of their own as well as some participations in collections – they are definitely not new in the scene.

They play in classic aggrotech patterns with claustrophobic and aggressive melodies, combined with distorted vocals as well as clean samples that take us on a futuristic dystopian journey. The distorted guitars next to the harsh dancing beats would be suitable as a soundtrack in movies like Starship Troopers and lead us to a cruel and harsh future.

Pierce their Husks is an EP with remixes from some of their older releases in which Jim and Cryon collaborate with the talented Niklas Kvaforth, singer and composer of the Swedish band Shining, the Norwegians V:28 (ex members of V:O:I:D and Ancestral Legacy) and the Germans Lyfthrasyr, demonstrating that extreme sound knows and is refrained by no borders and music labels.

Overall a pleasantly dark sound experience, despite the fact that it is compromised of old material remixes.


Angel Spiliopoulos
Angel Spiliopoulos
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."

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