Last Updated on 11:54 AM by Giorgos Tsekas
Genre: Celtic/Pagan Metal
Country: Ireland
Label: Metal Blade Records
Year: 2014
No one can deny that Primordial is an authentic band with a sound difficult to close up into the specific known genres, and their twenty year journey counts mostly positive moments, which is rare and surely should be acknowledged. Their new record Where Greater Men Have Fallen, along with it’s iconic cover, are by now characteristic of the cultural subjects of the band, and the musical momentum has still not faded away.
The album’s aesthetic is not new for someone familiar with their music, there is a thick guitar sound with hammering riffs, mastering both fast and middle paced passages while focusing on the dominating atmosphere Primordial have. The guitar work is exceptional and very much in the spirit of the band, strongly helping the flow of the album to feel natural.
Even though their breakthrough album came in late 2007 with To The Nameless Dead, which has immense success worldwide, their later music is not overshadowed or tranquilized there, as one can recognize evolution and song writing variety in both 2011’s Redemption at the Puritan’s Hand and of course, in this one. Where Greater Men Have Fallen hugs you with it’s production and sound, and wins you over with it’s amazing content, both in terms of history and music.
The band would not be the same without it’s mastermind and frontman, Allan Nemtheanga. His gargantuan voice cuts through the air and lifts the music to a whole different level, he is highly expressive and serious with the words he chooses to sing or yell at the listener. The lyrics of the record are all written by him here and they are quite impressive, some of the best lines I’ve read this year. This combination of beautiful lyrics and powerful music is what makes the record moving and memorable.
Personally, I always prefer when they decide to raise the speed and go into faster parts in their music, like in “The Seed of Tyrants” and the self-titled track, both excellent pieces and maybe among the best tracks they have recorded to date. “The Alchemist’s Head” includes some haunting guitar lines along with great harsh vocals by Nemtheanga, while “Ghosts of the Charnel House” is more melodic and depicts the legit drum sound of the album with it’s introduction. Finally, nicely produced drums!
Naturally, there are several parts with clean as well as acoustic guitars, holding an important role to the whole result. Primordial don’t have to experiment too much with their style, since it’s unique as it is, and it’s always direct and honest, which is why I have so much respect for them. Where Greater Men Have Fallen is yet another awesome release, ripe with personality and meaning. It grows more in you the more you listen too, so don’t be too quick with the listening process.