5.3 C

Rebellion – Unreleased Sessions


Last Updated on 08:53 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

Genre: Melodic / U.S. Power Metal
Country: U.S.Α.
Label: Cult Metal Classics
Year: 2014

There is an old legend about a boy who asked his Sifu, The Grandmaster of True: “Master”, the boy said, “show me the path that the true people follow!” The Grandmaster, without even blinking, remained silent. The boy persisted, by standing still for seven days and seven nights. When the sun rose on the eighth day, The Grandmaster, being convinced of the boy’s tenacity, grabbed the Left-Handed Plum Blossom Spear and engraved on a stone just one word: “Rebellion”…

It is very difficult for me to find the right words that could describe this great band. Therefore, I will present them to you in a few words, just to motivate you to listen to them.

Some of you, the ones who always search for great and rare albums to enhance your collection, have already got both “And the Battle begins…” and “Unreleased Sessions”. Of course, both albums occupy a prominent position on your shelf as well as in your heart. However, this review aims at those of you who have not ever heard of Rebellion, because you are into listening to more recognized bands. I strongly believe that Rebellion could also have become a recognized band, if they had (I suppose) more money, promotion and support by the Press. And that’s because Rebellion have all the qualifications needed to stand out: musical composition talent and heart & soul acting.

Nestor Papakostas has already presented the breathtaking “And the Battle begins…” here. As the “Unreleased Sessions” hadn’t been posted on Metal Invader’s archives by now, I decided to talk about it…

Well, Unreleased Sessions Compilation includes four tracks from the hard-to-find first EP (1989) and six unreleased tracks. One of the latter is a new version of the amazing “Only Time Can Tell”, which can be found on their debut album. In general terms, it is a melodic power metal compilation combined with progressive traits in some tracks. The progressive touch just makes it more interesting as it makes the structure of the tracks more complicated. Every time that you listen to it you find out something new and magical, that you hadn’t noticed at your previous listening. The more it grows into you, the more you like it. In few words, melodies that are able to refine ork hordes, fine rhythm changes that make the tracks more compelling and lyricism as far as the numinous vocals of Ed Snow are concerned. The sound of the band is distinctive, so we could say that Rebellion sounds just like Rebellion! Of course, I have to warn you that this compilation is not appropriate for headbanging, but it is ideal for moments of relax and serenity.

As for the lyrics, they are about life and social issues. Sometimes Rebellion are questioning, some other times they are hortatory or life-guiding.

Although all of the tracks are marvelous, my favorite ones are “Enter the Silence” and “Cycle of Life”.

Congratulations to Cult Metal Classics for this incredible release! Congratulations to Rebellion for this masterpiece!


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