9.6 C

Synteleia – The Secret Last Syllable


Last Updated on 10:54 PM by Giorgos Tsekas

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Hellas
Label: Floga Records
Year: 2022

Steadily following the path of the occult Black Metal and having as their main influence Rotting Christ of “Non Serviam” era, Synteleia are offering us an epic album.

“The Secret Last Syllable” is full of lo-fi audio aesthetics and focus on atmosphere over raw power riffing, keys of chthonic minimalism and vocals that seal a very specific sound. In the veins in which Greek Black Metal was played in the first half of the 90s. This is what Synteleia likes and plays, focusing on their two main influences. The one I already mentioned, the other is Varathron (mainly their debut era).

Everything is and sounds so familiar on this album. From the themes of the guitar to the small piano passages; an ode to the corresponding almost romantic but always eerie moments of Varathron. Everything takes us back to the golden age of the first prosperity of Greek Black Metal. All the tracks are well written and the album will satisfy the fans of this specific sound and period.

Thematically, the material deals with Cthulhu mythology. So one more thing to add to the list of positives. If you’re searching for the values of  90’s Greek Black Metal, be sure to listen to this album.

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