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Tag: Mastic Scum

ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ Σας προσκαλούμε στο δεύτερο HEAVY SEA FESTIVAL 2 που θα πραγματοποιηθεί το Σάββατο στις 22 Φεβρουάριου 2025 στο ιστορικό BUMS και θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να δείτε τις καλύτερες μπάντες της εγχώριας Heavy Metal σκηνής. (ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ...
Μετά την νύχτα, φωτιά. Μετά την συναυλία των Discharge, έρχονται στην χώρα μας από το Birmingham της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας οι ακαταμάχητοι G.B.H. Mια απο τις λίγες, πλέον, μακροβιότερες punk μπάντες που είναι συνεχίζει να δισκογραφεί και να...

Mastic Scum: release “Create And Destroy” lyric video

The sixth album by the technical death band MASTIC SCUM, "Icon", has been in shops since October 7. After their video clip for "Slavebreed", the Austrians...

Mastic Scum – ‘Slavebreed’ music video

Austrian crossover/grinders Mastic Scum have just released their new, sixth full length album, entitled 'Icon', via MDD Records. Check the cover artwork and the...

Mastic Scum & Head Cleaner announced split ‘Ep

Austrian grinders Mastic Scum are going to release a split 'Ep with the Greek grinders Head Cleaner. The 'Ep is going to be released...

Mastic Scum: Announced new DVD ‘Rage'

Austrian grind/crossover/death metallers Mastic Scum announced the release of a DVD entitled ‘Rage’. The DVD will include a 4-Page-Booklet and the Live-Show will also...

Mastic Scum: New Video Clip for ‘Dehumanized’

This is the 3rd videoclip from Mastic Scum’s album "C T R L" out via Massacre Records. The video was edited by Harry Gandler...

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