Last Updated on 03:30 PM by Lilliana Tseka
The long awaited new album from legendary guitarist Vinnie Moore will be released on October 23rd on Mind Eye Music. Titled “Aerial Visions”, Vinnie’s 8th studio album features drummer Richie Monica and bassists Dave LaRue, Rob DeLuca, Dorial Heartsong and Elliott Dean Rubinson.
Says Vinnie:
“With my solo records I can cover a lot more territory stylistically. I enjoy this freedom to be able to follow my muse wherever it leads. All of my influences are in there, from Rock to Blues to Be-Bop to Funk. I am into so many different styles of music that I can’t help myself, I’m basically a slave to it all and so there are inspirations from everywhere. Having said that, being a songwriter is the most important thing to me. I try to use my inspiration to create a mood and take the listener on a little journey to wherever.”